To the Scientific Community At-large:
After having traveled to the Gobi Desert in search of the Mongolian Death Worm, I made a far greater discovery. I have uncovered a brand new cryptid, and I believe that I may be the only person ever to have set eyes on the animal.
While sifting through the dirt behind a cluster of shrubs, wondering if I should have ventured to the Alashan Plateau at all, and considering heading South, my worries were put to rest. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something speeding towards the shrub bushes, and then I heard a squeak. I dropped my tools and stared. The creature had paused for a minute to capture its lunch: a long-eared jerboa. The bird ripped the small rodent apart and, in a beautiful burst of red, blue, and yellow plumes and bald areas, sped away, calling out Shabowa! Shabowa!
Alas, I was so mesmerized by the event that I dropped my camera, and the lens shattered! Therefore I am sadly without a camera, but I have been taking field notes ever since.
My second run-in with the animal occurred a few days after this. I was walking along the plateau, when I spotted the creature from about 100 ft behind. Again, the bird had stopped to gobble up its prey, a rodent that I have yet to identify. (However, I kept the bones as evidence.) Before I could advance upon the animal, it ran off, again crying Shabowa! Shabowa!
I have christened it "The Shabowa Bird." Now I must return to the Alashan Plateau for further research. I have only stepped into town to gather supplies and announce this zoological development.